RotoKing Compost Turning Equipment
Compost Cattle Manure In As Little As 4 Weeks!
If you are a beef, hog, dairy, or even a poultry farmer and you need a compost turning machine, ask us about our RotoKing compost turner for sale.
Along with designing and installing cow manure scrapers, Mid Valley Manufacturing is also a compost turner manufacturer. This is a very unique design for composting cattle manure (and hog or poultry manure) very efficiently.
This in-vessel compost turning equipment is used by:
- Dairy, Hog & Poultry farmers in Canada
- Cattle Ranches in the USA
- And Dairy Operations throughout Europe
Ask Us About Compost Turning Equipment
Call toll-free 1-888-854-4568
Manure Waste Management
Every cattle barn needs a good manure management system. At Mid Valley Manufacturing, we highly recommend the RotoKing compost turning equipment because it is so versatile and cost effective.
In recent years, our government has taken a more serious view of manure management in Canada, and the treatment of stored manure. They define composting solid manure as “A type of aerobic treatment that kills pathogens, reduces volume and odours, and leaves stable humus that is easier to handle, either for spreading on land or for packing and selling to others.”
Our RotoKing compost turner for sale uses a forced aeration technique. It quickly separates the water and dries the manure for more efficient composting. The final compost can then be utilized on the farm, including for cow bedding.
Invest in a RotoKing compost turning machine and put your manure and composted materials to good use faster.
This BC Ministry of Agriculture PDF file on Farm Composting offers additional information on composting.
You can also view the BC Organic Matter Recycling Regulations here.
Our Manure Turner Process
Regular compost rotation can take months, which is completely unnecessary. Our RotoKing compost turner can compost dairy manure (or beef, hog or poultry manure) within a four-week period. The compost turning machine consists of several parts to complete the mixing, aeration, and sterilization process, including:
- 20-Foot Concrete Channel
- Bristled Drum with Mixing Paddles
- Encompassing Canopy
- 25 Horsepower Electric Motor
- User-Friendly Touchscreen Control Panel
- Compost turning equipment can be controlled by phone or by tablet
- No operator required during the compost turning process
Call us toll-free at 1-888-854-4568 to learn more.
In Vessel Composting vs Windrow Composting
This manure compost turning equipment can process practically any type of organic waste in large quantities. From animal manure to meat, food scraps and biosolids, the in-vessel composting method requires a lot less space than the windrow composting method.
Other benefits include:
- Good control of the environment
- Control of airflow, temperature, and moisture
- The length (size and capacity) of the vessel can vary
- Careful control of the climate allows year-round use
- Very little odour or leachate produced
- Uses less land, labour, and energy than windrow composting
This method of in-vessel composting takes only a few weeks to complete. Before it can be used, the pile will need a few more weeks to cool and to allow the microbial activity to balance.
RotoKing Compost Turner User Controls
The controls on the RotoKing compost turner allows for bridge travel, drum control, and overall system controls. While easy to use and operate, this panel offers greater flexibility and versatility. Options include:
- 4 Programmable Start Times Within 24 Hours
- Basic Mix Cycle
- Batch Process for Extra Dense Material
- Compost turning equipment can be controlled by phone or by tablet
- No operator required during manure compost turning machine operation
Possible Compost Uses
To allow the air to dry the dairy waste faster, the compost turning equipment utilizes a high-volume blower during the mix cycle. The blower helps to to accelerate composting manure and other waste solids. Once the RotoKing compost turner completes the process, you now have well-mixed, completely dried compost.
This makes the material perfect for:
- Affordable Animal Bedding
- Spreadable Field or Yard Fertilizer
- Composting Agent
- Sellable Compost Product
In Canada, as in many countries, you can only sell animal waste if it’s processed properly. Our RotoKing compost turner allows you to remove all pathogens from the dairy waste material.
Your beef, poultry, hog, or dairy farm can prosper by saving time and money. The compost turning equipment can quickly turn animal waste into other reusable products like animal bedding. Mid Valley also offers sawdust blower systems to accommodate faster animal bedding.
Biosolids Management
Our RotoKing compost turner for sale has even been utilized for biosolids management. See our project page highlighting the Biosolids Treatment Facility in Ladysmith, BC. This is a good example of how a compost turning machine can be utilized to also compost human biosolids!
Call us toll free at 1-888-854-4568 is you have any questions about composting biosolids.
About Mid Valley Manufacturing
Mid Valley Manufacturing is located in Abbotsford, BC Canada. We are one of North America’s leading dairy farm cattle handling equipment suppliers with clients throughout Canada, the USA, and internationally.
Composting FAQs
How long does it take cow manure to compost?
Composting methods may vary but in general, composting cow manure can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months.
How often to turn compost?
It takes a minimum of 2 weeks for the bacteria in the center of a compost pile to generate and release heat, which is necessary for composting. Turning compost every 2-4 weeks will help quicken the manure composting process.
Does cow manure compost smell?
Raw cow manure has a strong smell but once it has been composted, the composition of the “rotted” manure is different and has no foul odor.
Why do you turn compost?
Turning a compost pile helps to not only control the smell but also prevents the anaerobic bacteria from dominating, which can slow down the composting process.
Is cow manure compost acidic?
On a scale of 0 – 14, a pH level from 0 to 6 is considered acidic whereas a pH level of 7 is considered neutral. Cow manure is generally somewhere between 8 and 12 on the pH scale.
Contact Us For More Information
Learn more about our compost turner for sale and about composting cattle manure (or hog, beef, or poultry manure).
To order our RotoKing compost turning machine, please contact us.
See all our dairy barn services.
Send us an email or call toll-free at 1-888-854-4568 to reach our dairy cattle handling equipment experts.